The Grand Teton, Wyoming
The Teton Range is a mountain range of the Rocky Mountains in North America. The Grand Teton, located in Wyoming, is the highest mountain in the range, and the second highest mountain in Wyoming at 13,770 feet. The Grand Teton is a technical mountain requiring rock climbing/alpine climbing skills to reach the summit. Early French Voyageurs used the name les trois tétons (the three breasts). In July 2014 Brandon Fisher climbed the grand teton with pink prayer flags in honor of all the breast cancer patients he has treated over the years. The flags were handmade in Nepal through a company called it is customary for Brandon to dedicate flags in his patients honor and even given them a string of flags. Brandon is an oncologist who gets strength from his patients. “I watch these patients take on their cancer, they fight for life, they show me each day that life is worth fighting for and that we need to take advantage of each moment we are alive, love our kids, spouses, and strive to create meaning in everything we do, these patients are my inspiration to push on, they are so strong."