Goal: Climb any State High Point in your state, neighborhood, or city. We want to get people to climb anything and everything and then send us your picture and story! The person who climbs the highest point in their state will be highlighted on our website.
Pledge in honor a climbers goal!
Pledge in honor a climbers goal!
Why? Cancer is a huge obstacle, a scary diagnosis. People who fight cancer have to be tough, confront death, and fight for life! They have to make a conscious effort to live and push on through adversity. In that struggle they become stronger people and learn that their well-being is a product of meaning they create. Let’s support anyone and everyone we know who has had to battle cancer by showing them our strength to face difficult challenges in their honor. Climb for those who have cancer! In the USA we have the opportunity to fight cancer and current 5 year survivals are 70%- we have over 11 million cancer survivors in the USA. In developing countries, cancer care is not available and 5 year cure rates are roughly 20%, if not lower. There are few cancer survivors- cancer is indeed a death sentence in Africa. American radiation machines are updated about every ten years, with our old machines being junked. Developing countries are ecstatic to get one of our machines- we just need to raise money to pass the machines on, so they can save lives that would otherwise be lost!
How it works:
-Get challenged to climb a mountain or any high point in your state, city, neighborhood, or house (you can challenge yourself!)
-Get pledges that will support cancer patients globally and allow those in developing countries to have the opportunity to fight cancer
-Set a date and someone to honor with your climb
-Conquer your peak!
-Share your experience and summit pictures with us! Use these hash-tags: @radiatinghope #radiatinghope #climbforcancer #statehighpoints
-Challenge three others to climb for cancer
Example: In July 2014 Brandon Fisher climbed the Grand Tetons with pink prayer flags in honor of all the breast cancer paitents he has treated over the years.
Brandon is an Oncologist who gets strength from his patients. “I watch these patients take on their cancer, they fight for life, they show me each day that life is worth for and that we need to take advantage of each moment we are alive, love our kids, spouses, and strive to create meaning in everything we do, these patients are my inspiration to push on, they are so strong." He was challenged to climb Grand Tetons in their honor, a very technical mountain in Wyoming, though it 30 feet shy of being the state highpoint, it's a challenging mountain to conquer. Brandon was able to climb the mountain in two days, reaching the summit at 13,770 feet. Brandon shared his pictures on Radiating Hope’s Facebook page Instagram. He was able to raise some funds create awareness for cancer patients in developing countries. From this experience, Brandon challenged four climbers- three climbers to climb the highest point in Wyoming--Gannett Peak and one climber to climb the highest point in his town--Fort Worth, Texas.