Fisher Towers

Where are your flags now . . . We are currently preparing to take the Prayer Flags to Mt Kilimanjaro, Africa, this March 2014 and then off to Mt Denali, USA, in May 2014. In preparation to get your flags to the highest peaks around the world, we continue to train so that we will be up for any obstacles that we encounter on our expeditions. Some of our training includes climbing rocks, and there is no place better for climbing to amazing summits than the sandstone towers of southern Utah. This month we took your flags to the airy summits of the Fisher Towers. 

Prayer Flags at the Fisher Tower's, near Moab Utah

A view of the daunting Fisher Towers, hundreds of feet up is the corkscrew summit, our goal for the day. 

Just crossing the 500 foot high sidewalk in the sky

At the summit of the famous corkscrew on the top of the Fisher Towers.

In a setting of unrivaled natural beauty, there is nothing as aesthetic as a slender sliver of chocolate sandstone and nothing as exhilarating as standing atop it. The summit does not come easy, few tower routes are easier than 5.10 (difficulty rating for climber, 5.10's are hard), but what better place to take your flags. We let a few threads blow into the wind on this trip. While mountaineers have to slog up thousand-foot snowfields, glaciers, while pushing through wind, snow and ice storms to get that glory, desert climbers jam, and pull their way up a couple of hundred feet of rock. Not a bad trade off! We wish you all the best as you tackle your daily obstacles and reach your various summits, know we are thinking of you all!!