Radiating Hope has a vision to transform the way cancer is treated in underserved areas of the world. "We're building a cancer center in East Africa because we believe that dignity and hope aren't western commodities reserved for the global elite; they are human rights that should be made available to all." - inspirational words from Dr. Larry Daugherty, M.D.
Our dedicated prayer flags arrived at the top of Kilimanjaro on a perfect windy day- the threads unraveled from the flags representing hope, strength and well-being in honor of cancer patients. We are excited that the pledges in honor of these great people also allowed the opportunity to 'pass along a cure' to those who might never have had cancer treatments otherwise. Radiating Hope was able to raise several thousands of dollars for the proposed cancer center in Moshi, Tanzania through the fundraising climb and dedicated prayer flags!!
At the summit of Kilimanjaro we had a ribbon cutting for the cancer center which marked the commencement of the Greater Horn Oncology Symposium (GHOS), presented by RadiatingHope. The Symposium was held on March 24-25 in Moshi, Tanzania in partnership with the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC). The GHOS is a multidisciplinary oncology symposium dedicated to increasing awareness of cancer care in the Greater Horn of Africa. It is a forum for the exchange of ideas to advance cancer care in this region. By bringing together physicians and oncology industry members from abroad, as well as local physicians and politicians, we hope to encourage collaboration on developing local cancer care. Funds raised during this symposium support the establishment of a cancer center with radiation treatment capability at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) which would serve Moshi and its environs. All presenters, attendees, and volunteers are helping to advance cancer care in the Greater Horn of Africa! We sincerely thank all of the presenters who have funded their trips to make this symposium a reality! -Mira M. Shah, MD
Our symposium exceeded our expectations. We were able to hear from some of the luminaries in the Radiation Oncology field, as well as learn from the local medical and governmental leaders on the future of cancer treatment in Tanzania. We are now planning our next symposium, a 3-day event for 2015 to coincide with our next fundraising climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro.